Monday, August 16, 2010

Weathering the Storm?

I am fourteen weeks as of this last Saturday, During week 7-10 I would look online to see when I would finally gain a reprieve from all of this and it said alot of womens morning sickness eased around week 12! I hung on to that through all the throwing up, constepation, doctor appt, and dizzy spells. Week 12 came and went with one day of no throw up. I wont lie, I definately got my hopes up till the next day. It was a 10+ throw up day (those are the worse cause you can't get it under control till you just fall asleep at the ebd of the day) Since week 12 my vomiting has been significantly lower which I am eternally grateful for. I am able to drink water and keep it down for the most part, eating is still tricky I have to pick and choose still which food i do and don't want to see coming back up later. BJ is really great with everything, every morning he leaves me things to snack on on our bed till I can get up and about enough to get something for myself. This includes an activia, gogurt, bottle of water for my pills, ritz crackers, and a smucker uncrustable. :) he cleans up after my rounds with the toliet weather I made it in or not, and he cleans up after alot of other unspeakables that happpen when pregnant. I have NO shame now.

Yesterday was another day of hardship. I can't help but feel down but im really trying to stay positive. I have lost alot of my clients, but its hard to explain to all of them, "hey I can't stop throwing up, I can't stand up with out throwning up, I can't eat with out throwing up, I can't not eat with out not wanting to throw up, I can't even take care of myself most days how am I suppose to drive 6 hours to nampa and work on my feet all day doing hair for a week?" Its tough and they don't understand but I guess I have to have faith that Heavenly Father knows more than I, and this is all for a reason.

We're planning on going to Nampa on th 28th for my cousin's reception with my sister Amanda and her husband, Chris. I really hope that by then I can stand on my own two feet for more than five min at a time and the queezy stomach business will all be gone. I really could use a good time.

BJ made me cake last night!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Summer?....what Summer?

At the end of May right before my trip up to Idaho to do hair, I had a feeling I may be pregnant so I took a pregnancy test and the only the first line showed up right away. I set it on the counter in the bathroom and when I came back to throw it away there was another line! I didn't know what to say, so I cried instead. BJ was really excited, but it took me a few days to get there.

Here is baby's first profile shot. Taken at 11 weeks. Due Date is February 11, 2011. Which just happens to be my dad's birthday.

Once I had a chance to kind of wrap my head around the fact that I am pregnant, I soon had a toilet bowl wrapped around my head. It completely knocked my knees out from under me. I haven't been able to even leave my bathroom since week 6. I have lost over 2o lbs and my sense of humor. So, if you have eaten anything in the last 7 weeks... I don't want to hear about it. Hopefully the end is near though because I desperately need a tan.

I have gone in to the Dr. every Monday and Friday for IV's to keep me hydrated and medicated. Amanda, Cody and Cade have been taking me.

He is a little cheeseball.

Showering, combing my hair, shaving my legs and waxing my eyebrows have definitely taken a backseat to, well just about everything. I have to wear deodorant now since I just sit in my own stench everyday. Poor BJ will be relieved when this is all over I am sure.

Week 12 = Kill me (or at least sedate me)